Meinl Sonic Energy Flower of Life Tuning Fork TF-FOL 128 Hz
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Meinl Sonic Energy Flower of Life Tuning Fork TF-FOL 128 Hz
The Flower of life tuning represents the origin of all things through sacred geometry. The collaboration of numbers, shapes, and vibrations belongs to the oldest myths of mankind. It is the strive to connect with our origin and to understand ourselves.
Available to try in store. If you have any questions regarding this instrument please feel free to message us or give us a call for more details.
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- Handcrafted masterpiece
- Made in Germany
- High-quality nickel-plated steel
- Ergonomic shaped cork handle
- Engraved logo and tuning info
- 128 Hz C3, -a' 440 Hz → 430.54 Hz
- 88.1g
- 3.1oz
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